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We focus in manufacturing key AFD components including spindle head for drilling, tapping, boring, circle spindle 
head, compound machines, vertical AFD, hydraulic slides, air or hydraulic rotary valve, rotating cylinder and etc.
We produce high quality product and continuously strive for excellent quality beyond solidity and durability, 
deliver product that are increasing work efficiency and reducing cost of labor and capital investment.
The main spindles are made from engineering high-speed-carbon-steel featuring non-deformation and are heat 
Teeth gauges are made from aluminum-bronze through turning and teeth grinding. precision teeth are mill for 
teeth smoothness and wear resistance.
Our pneumatic vertical-compound-unit are fitted with hydraulic components to deliver stable speed.
Our products:
Auto Feed Spindle
Auto Feed Drilling Spindle
Auto Feed Lead Screw Tapping Spindle
Auto Feed Drilling Tapping Compound Machine
Auto Feed Drill press
Auto Feed Multi Spindle
Hydraulic Slide

CNC Rotary Index table 5 Axis 

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